Temple Israel of Great Neck - Where tradition meets change

Waxman High School

Tikkun Middot: Building Character
Tikkun Olam: Repairing the World
Preparing students to be thoughtful, knowledgeable, active, and responsible Jewish teens/adults.

The Waxman Hebrew High School and Youth House provides a wide variety of ways for teens to be connected, engaged, and active in our extraordinary teen-aged Jewish community. Our programs include USY, weekly High School classes, special boys' and girls' groups, Alternative Break trip, and many opportunities for community service.

Please contact Avi Siegel, Director of the Waxman Hebrew High School and Teen Engagement, to learn more about teen engagement at TIGN!

Waxman Hebrew High School

Weekly Tuesday Program: 5:30-7:30PM

8th grade Mitzvah Corps/Team Tikkun

During a Year of Learning and Action, you and your classmates will help make the world a better place!!! This program provides exceptional opportunities for Jewish learning coupled with hands-on volunteer efforts, important philanthropic decision making, and political advocacy all from a Jewish lens.

Student testimonials:
After volunteering at Homes for the Homeless’ Saratoga Family Inn a student reported, “There were a lot of activities to do. I helped kids learn to do jumping jacks. I was proud, because I put a smile on each kid’s face. It was so great, because the kids really trusted us.”

After interviewing a senior citizen from the Atria, Amy said, “It was really interesting and entertaining to listen to her stories. Gloria (the person I interviewed) taught me to follow my dreams.” Amy continued to say, “Old people are really cool.”

Another student said, “I had an amazing time at the residence for adults and children with learning disabilities. We bonded with the people who live there by playing bingo, Frisbee and arts and crafts. I feel like I got to know the people we met really well.”

9th and 10th grade Chag Squad

Infuse the Jewish holidays with tikkun olam and a youthful spirit. In this program you will learn from the themes, texts, customs, rituals, and foods associated with each Jewish holiday and create, organize, and attend teenaged, Jewish Holiday celebrations for you, your friends and your family. Each Tuesday session is co-taught by our fabulous rabbis. Sessions will include exploring the significance of certain texts, customs, rituals and foods associated with a specific holiday in conjunction with actual preparations in organizing and implementing an amazing holiday program that teens will be excited to attend.

For example:
A Simchat Torah celebration that teaches the value of an entire community gathering together for enjoyment! Our teens will facilitate this by helping children and adults with special needs participate fully participate in our Simchat Torah celebration through dance, learning, music and good food!  

A Hanukkah party that personifies the idea that a small group of people can make a big difference. In this instance we expect you (our teens) to be inspired by the Hanukkah story and use this time, our limited resources, and figuratively small army to tackle a large issue in our society. You will pick the issue and organize a Hanukkah celebration that helps our teen community meaningfully respond to it.

11th and 12th Grade

Enjoy deep discussions about Judaism’s relationship to important teen issues. You will gain a better understanding of our Jewish story, while gaining a better understanding of yourself, your Jewish identity, and the path you plan to follow while preparing for college.

This year’s theme will be prayer. Our program will help us in responding to inquiries such as, How do I pray? What is the difference between Jewish prayer and other religions’ prayer? How does prayer relate to my life as a Jewish teen? Where will I pray when I get to college?

Click here for Registration Form & Contract 2017-2018