Temple Israel of Great Neck - Where tradition meets change

Tikkun Olam (Social Action)

There are many chesed (social action) activities for members to get involved with at Temple Israel of Great Neck.
Your participation is warmly welcomed.

Bikur Cholim: Visits the ill, recovering and homebound. Contact Karen Ashkenase, 487-3048.

Blood Drive: Semi-annual blood drive coordinated through Men’s Club. Contact Charles Adler.

Food and Clothing Drives: Various times during the year including high holiday food drive, chametz drive, winter coats drive, prom dress drive. Each drive could use a chairperson.  For more information, contact the committee co-chairs, Larry Greengrass or Veronica Lurvey

Green Committee: Works to help make TIGN an environmentally “green” responsible place. Contact Alex Schoen.

Hatzilu: Provides financial assistance and food to needy Jews living in Nassau County.  Temple Israel leaders were among its founders and remain involved in its leadership today.  Contact Manny Bardash.

Midnight Run: During winter months, delivers clothing, blankets and sandwiches to homeless men living on NYC streets. Makes several late night runs each year, leaving from TIGN. Contact Rob Panzer.

Minyan: TIGN holds morning and evening services every day of the year. Services can be very important, especially for those who need to say Kaddish, and it is oftentimes hard to get an official 10-person minyan, especially weekday mornings. Attending this short service could prove extremely helpful to fellow synagogue members.

Social Action Committee (Saving Our World):  Coordinates various Tikkun Olam, Chesed and advocacy programs throughout the year.  There are opportunities for congregants to chair one-time or annual events. For more information, contact the committee co-chairs, Larry Greengrass or Veronica Lurvey

Tikkun Alliance of the North Shore (TANS): TIGN participates in this collaborative community effort formed to address tikkun olam, repairing the world, including tackling problems such as hunger, poverty and the environment. Seeking a TIGN representative to TANS.  For more information, contact the committee co-chairs, Larry Greengrass or Veronica Lurvey.

Yad b’Yad: Does whatever it can to make life easier for congregants in times of stress including setting up a home for shiva, assisting with the meal after a funeral, providing a Shabbat dinner, delivering care packages, doing grocery shopping and helping with carpools. Contact Brenda Kopelowitz.

In addition to the work above, each of our schools takes part in various works of Chesed.

Beth HaGan Nursery School has an ongoing Chesed program  At the beginning of each school year, the class together with the teachers select a charity to support for the entire year.  In addition, they hold an annual toy drive before Hanukkah and a clothing drive before Passover. Chesed programs are coordinated through Director Rachel Mathless.

TIGN Religious School students regularly collect funds for tzedakah, which each class counts monthly.  During the course of the year, the fifth graders do research into various social service agencies and make educated decisions as to where to send the collected funds.  The children of the lower grades visit both Atria residences during the Hanukkah and Purim seasons.  During various times over the course of the year, the TIGN Religious School coordinates with the Waxman High School and Youth House and Beth HaGan Nursery School and synagogue-wide efforts to organize food, clothing and toy collections.  For more information, contact Director of Congregational Schools Rabbi Amy Roth.

The Waxman HIgh School and Youth House participates in various short-term projects throughout the school year, each focused on a specific area of social action, and learns about Social Justice through the curriculum. Some highlights include the 7th grade Chesed projects, the high school Midnight Run, and the USY Tikkun Olam program.  For more information, contact Director Avi Siegel.