Temple Israel of Great Neck - Where tradition meets change

Lifelong Learning

One School ~ One Community

Congregational school programs at Temple Israel of Great Neck

We view our three school programs, from the Beth Ha Gan pre-school, to the K-6 Religious School, to the Waxman Hebrew High School and Youth House, as being one educational entity. 

Children begin their TIGN journey with us as toddlers and develop into literate, identifying, evolving young Jewish adults by the time they graduate from the Youth House.  
Our experience tells us that as children grow up together in the Temple Israel community, they develop strong ties to one another, as well as to the Jewish community as a whole.  Our mission is to welcome children into our school family, where they will learn and grow in our warm, nurturing, thinking environment.  They will learn how to live as twenty-first century American Jews, and they will learn the value of kehillah, community.  We include parents as our partners in every step of this endeavor: from the early years to the high school graduation.  

We know that it takes an entire Jewish community to raise Jewish children, and our one school approach to the congregational schools helps us to realize this challenge.

Read our monthly school newsletter.