Temple Israel of Great Neck - Where tradition meets change

Family Programs

Temple Israel is a family-friendly community, where children are welcomed and encouraged to participate in synagogue life.  There are  many opportunities for families to experience the joy of Jewish expression through our school programs, as well as Shabbat and Holiday events.  While each grade of religious school has its own “signature” family event, this is a sample of the type of family programs we offer:

  • Vav Family Retreat:  The families of sixth graders (including siblings) come together for a weekend of fun, sports, nature and community-building and Jewish exploration
  • Shabbat Ha Mishpachah: once a month families gather for a Shabbat evening, morning or afternoon tefillah (age-appropriate prayers), singing, and separate adult and child activity. And while these programs are specifically geared toward defined age groups, all are welcomed!
  • Simhat Torah and Purim holiday service for early childhood aged children.  Join together with other families of young children to sing, dance and hear stories.
  • Hay Class (fifth grade) tallit making workshop is a highlight including parents in this artistic process while learning about the textual sources for this ritual object.
  • Youth House Family Shabbat dinners for families with children in grades 7-12 are a magical way of celebrating the Shabbat together.
  • Hanukah Party: this annual Temple Israel tradition is a great way to celebrate the holiday with food, games, and music ~ fun for all ages!