A message from Rabbi Amy E. Roth, Director of Congregational Schools
Temple Israel Religious School , an accredited Conservative Religious School, is recognized as a School of Excellence by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. The spirit, curriculum and philosophy of the school are based on the following educational priorities:
- Fostering a positive attitude towards Jewish learning and Jewish life.
- Helping students develop the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in the life of the Jewish people at home, in the synagogue and in the community at large.
- Instilling a strong sense of identification with the Jewish people, Conservative Judaism, and Israel.
- Helping children develop a strong moral compass based on the eternal values of the Torah and of our sacred texts.
Temple Israel Religious School has also actively engaged in Project ReImagine, a UJA Federation-sponsored initiative to generate renewal and innovation in synagogue religious schools.
Our engaging program consists of Shabbat and holiday worship, experiential programs, art, music and family education in addition to academics. Parents are vital partners with the school in supporting its overall goals and in fostering an environment in which Jewish education and practice are valued. Various grade-level Shabbat experiences and family education activities complement the Religious School education.
Click here for an overiew of the comprehensive curriculum.
The Temple Israel Religious school meets twice a week for children in grades 1-6. Children in our Kindergarten program (called Nitzanim) meet once a week.
School sessions:
Sunday (9:30-12noon) / Tuesday (4:00-6:30pm)
Click here for the Religious School Registration Form for the current year.
When children reach the seventh grade, they join their older peers in a program created just for seventh graders within the Waxman High School and Youth House.